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The following description, emphasizing administration’s role in the development and implantation of integrated behavioral healthcare, was taken from an integrated behavioral care presentation to IBHP grantees by William O’Donohue PhD, CEO, CareIntegra, Inc.

  • Insure senior level management ratifies strategic vision of integrated care.
  • Involve key internal stakeholders.
  • Involve internal “opinion leaders”.
  • Involve key external stakeholders, including clients themselves.
  • Gain staff investment in the change process.
  • Address an resistance to integration.
  • Provide training to increase understanding of integration.
  • Involve skeptics in the design and development process.
  • Base the system of care in a well-documented administrative process and structure.
  • Design a service that is seen as feasible to implement and operate.
  • Embed integrated services in a team approach to healthcare.
  • Evaluate benefit design and identify payment mechanisms.
  • Develop a sustainable budget strategy.
  • Identify methods for risk-sharing with partners.
  • Develop agreements for distribution of cost savings.
  • Create a Policies and Procedures service manual.
  • Determine reporting and supervisory relationships.
  • Determine charting and documentation requirements.
  • Develop recommended schedule templates.
  • Identify the need for skill-based training for behavioral health counselors and primary care providers.
  • Employ structured case discussions.
  • Assess consumer and provider satisfaction with integrated services.
  • Assess program accessibility and penetration rates.
  • Develop practice profiles for individual providers and primary care teams.
  • Adopt performance indicators as a core management.